1. It's hard to remember the words.
Sometimes just a word that we get so easily vanish from our minds. Factor is probably one of our concentration and memorization strength "we are getting older and older"
2. Different pronunciation of the text
This is what has always complained of by many people including me. And this makes my friends say English is Crazy Language. We are very familiar with the pronunciation as written. This we never ask our teachers in the Aussie, he was too confused to answer. He can only say 'consult to your dictionary'. Apparently there are no rules that say how very standard English words were. Everything happened the way it is. Language is arbitrary.
3. Sound the same but different words were
This makes us doubt, where the words mentioned by the speaker, the sound of which is mentioned is probably different from what we understand, for example too, to and two; whether and weather; hear and here; buy and by; there and Their; witch and the which; threw and through. This will make us misunderstand what the speaker meant.
4. Can not distinguish a noun with a verb or another
For example, the smoke can be a noun, can also be a verb. For example Smoke on the water (noun - quoted from diparpel, which means smoke) but if I smoke everyday (ready-verb, and its meaning is another, smoking), while smoking his own words in the English language that cigarette. So the funny thing is, I have students who make the sentence I am instead of everyday cigarette I smoke everyday.
There is another example, the accountant at the music store records1 records2 of the records3. Note (1), Notes / transaction (2), cassette / tape (3)
5. Speak fluently but can not write because they do not know or forgetfulness.
Do not be surprised if there is a very fluent in English counting 1-10 is very fluent and smooth, but just told to write the words use. Perhaps the true only simple one and a few other numbers. That's for those who are still beginners. But that was intermediate to advanced level was also had the same problem such as questionnaires and entrepreneurship words in English and others. I think a lot more.
6. The same words often have other meanings are primarily used in a particular field.
For those who are still at the beginner level first patient would be asked for help translating from English to Indonesia or vice versa, because normally we would encounter many difficulties, especially when met with words that seem unusual, but when translated sentence context not connect with others. These areas need basic knowledge to be translated. For example, for the field of accounting have said marketable securities, if not careful can-can translate into the word SECURITY MARKET, but the translation is Securities. Just like the case of number 3: The accountant at the music store records1 records2 of the records3. Note (1), Notes / transaction (2), cassette / tape (3)
7. Pronunciation of the letters in words that confuse
I think there is no standard in English how to pronounce the letters attached to certain words, such as the letter U, the word is read PUT / u / as usual, but if the word CUT changed again saying so / a /, whereas the only P and C. diff confuse you? There is another example, the letter O in the word BOOK sounds / u / but the word BLOOD read / a /, the word WOMEN sound / i /. no more sound / f / could have on words containing the letter F such as FISH, but can the letters in the word enough GH, PH to the letter of the word PHASE and so on, and so on.
8. Can not read the existing pronunciation symbol symbol-dictionary in the dictionary advance.
At the advanced level dictionaries the pronunciation of each word is given. This is very useful for us to know how to pronounce a word, including an emphasis on certain syllables. The problem is that we are still at the beginner level, or who are already at an advanced level, if we can not read the symbol symbol is also useless.
9. Find a word in the dictionary to make English sentences ee was wrong in the context of English use (too much on the dictionary)
When making a few sentences in English, we often tripped up by words that we do not know what the English language, then we directly go to the dictionary and look for those words and we input into our sentences. We feel that we have very perfect sentence. But apparently when it is read by the teacher, we sentence containing the word wrong word. For example, to hear the words we use should HEAR the word we use is LISTENT TO or vice versa there are also other words of similar words such as word meanings in our language such as SEE, LOOK, and WATCH. Which is often a lot of wrong was when I did my homework translate the word DAILY. Many of the translate, especially beginners, with the sentence I WORK MY HOMEWORK. Which should I DO MY HOMEWORK.
10. There is another irregular verbs
This is what makes us not uniform in a sentence. The problem is that our language has no irregular verbs. If we want to say I EAT, no matter whether the time is now, past, or has occurred, or routines. The most we add only, said IS, YESTERDAY / DAY WAS, IS, and ALWAYS.
11. The change from singular to plural irregular
Almost equal to the number 9. Usually when to make words plural just add-s behind these words, BOOK - BOOKS etc. But can not for the CHILD (to children), MAN (to men), WOMEN (to women), MOUSE (to mice) and some other words.
12. There was a sound in the English language to pronounce difficult because there is no sound in our language
Fortunately the sounds that are not in the sounds of language are limited in number, such as sound-on-th and THINK THAT word, but even so many of us who can not pronounce it correctly a lot of replacing it with the sound / t / by combining it with the sound / s / to think and use words / d / to word that. But for a fluent Arabic he had no trouble with the sound of th in the same words with sound THINK ث and th sounds in the same words with sound THAT ذ. If in a given symbol english dictionary θ ð. There are also other, sometimes we are a bit lazy to pronounce the sound / v / and often replace it with the sound / f /.
13. There are some American English British English, Australian English exist
Indeed, between the New York, London, and Sydney ejaanya dialect was different and the writing is slightly different. There are people who prefer the English U.S., there is also a style like the UK, and some are like the Aussie style. It depends.
14. Have to memorize a lot of tense a lot of rules
More tenses - tenses again. Again more tenses. If no one there are 16 tenses. Said if people want to speak fluent English should be fluent tenses his tenses are tenses. Mumet indeed. Try if we could memorize all the tenses's head outside but could not do as well as the communication champion. Yes, it is better than no good at all. Often, we understand tenses but does not know which one to afraid tenses when they want to express idea want to make a sentence.
15. Want to speak English is afraid of life
It is a psychological problem I guess, there are actually English is OK but not at all for fear of any communication and fear of ridicule, finally could not talk at all. There is a willingness to try to practice with the teacher or the English language that can be mistaken for someone else pretending to be afraid so Bule. If this rate when we can talk?
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